Inspections and Estimates

Insurance Claims

Is your roof is damaged and in need of a repair? It is important to work with an experienced roofing company like R Lamar Roofing & Subcontracting to get a professional inspection and estimate to provide your insurance company. Navigating insurance claims in the aftermath of severe weather events can be difficult. We can assist in documenting issues, providing photos, and detailed estimates to streamline the claims process. Professional roof repair services often collaborate with homeowners to document damages comprehensively, providing essential reports that streamline the claims process


R Lamar Roofing professionals bring a trained eye to the inspection process, ensuring a thorough assessment of your roof’s condition. We can identify hidden or subtle issues that might go unnoticed, providing a more accurate diagnosis of the extent of water damage. Additionally, we are able to provide emergency repairs to the area to prevent further damage while we work with your insurance.